Document Type : Original Article


1 Herat University, Afghanistan

2 English Department, Faculty of Languages and Literature, Herat University, Afghanistan


The present study explored the Afghan English teachers’ psychological well-being (PWB) at Higher Education and their perception toward PWB through a qualitative inquiry to collect the required data. The study participants were seven Afghan EFL university teachers, four from a public university and three from a private university in a western province of Afghanistan. A qualitative research design was employed in this study. The participants were interviewed using semi-structured interviews, and the data was analyzed using thematic analysis. The analysis of the interviews indicated that the limitations of organizational workplace influenced the teachers’ performances in the classrooms, and their PWB was primarily influenced and decreased. Additionally, the results revealed that the teacher participants deal with many socio-cultural and institutional mandates that intervened and negatively impacted their PWB. The results also showed there was no fixed organizational approach to enhance or maintain the teachers’ PWB. The authors assert that Afghan EFL teachers need more attention and support from educational authorities and policymakers to improve their psychological wellbeing and professionalism.


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